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Predefine Values

Based on a certain selection, options in the next configuration step are preselected

Verfasst von Beka Chogovadze
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert

This article deals with the rule "predefined values". This rule is especially useful for highlighting a specific configuration of your product. For example, in case you have noticed that a specific configuration of your product is ordered most often, you can preselect certain product features or values in the configuration steps in order to simplify or "navigate" the configuration process of the customer. 

A simple application case: A supplier of printed T-shirts and Hoodies notices that customers often order T-shirts in size S and Hoodies in size XL. This sizes shall be predefined in the configuration process, which means, if the customer chooses a T-shirt, the size S is automatically predefined in the next configuration step. The same with Hoodies and the size XL. So how can this rule be generated in the configurator backend?

Step 1) Create all necessary characteristics

At first, all characteristics addressed in the rule have to be generated in the configurator backend. For the example, this would be the the characteristic "type" with the values "T-shirt" and "Hoodie" and the characteristic "size" with the values S-XXL. If you need additional help to create the characteristics, go to the article LINK!!

Characteristic "type" (dt.= Art)...

...with values "Tshirt" and "Hoodie" (you can generate the values by clicking on the characteristic and create the values in the characteristics settings. If you need help, please check out the corresponding help articles)

And the characteristic "size"...

...with values S to XXL

STEP 2) Generate the rules 

After creating all relevant characteristics, we now generate two rules for this application case:

  1. If Form = Hoodie, then size XL is predefined. 

  2. If Form = Tshirt, then size S is predefined 


  • go to rules 

  • add a new rule 

  • Create the rule

  1. Give the rule a name

  2. Select the rule "predefined values"

  3. Select the condition if "type"...

  4. ...has the value... 

  5. ...."hoodie", 

  6. then the characteristic "size" is preselected in "XL" (click on the characteristic "size" and choose the value that you want to be predefined in case "hoodie" is selected)

  • Generieren Sie die Regel

  1. Benennen Sie die Regel 

  2. Wählen Sie die Regel "Vorbelegung von Werten"

  3. Wählen Sie die Bedingung: Wenn "Art"  ...

  4. ...den Wert...

  5. ..."Hoodie" hat...

  6. dann ist beim Merkmal "Größe" XL vorausgewählt (klicken Sie auf das Merkmal "Größe", um es aufzufächern, gehen Sie dann auf "immer anwenden" und wählen Sie den Wert aus, der voreingestellt sein soll) 

Please, repeat the progress for the second rule: If type = Tshirt is selected, then the size "S" is predefined .

Den gleichen Vorgang wiederholen Sie nun für die zweite Regel: Wenn Art= Tshirt, dann ist Größe = S voreingestellt.

STEP 3 ) Check the rule
Check the rule with the help of the preview. Therefore, go back to characteristics and click on Preview. For testing the rule, select "Tshirt" in the first configuration step. The size "S" should be preselected now. 

Schritt 3) Regel prüfen

Prüfen Sie nun die Regel mit Hilfe der Vorschau. Gehen Sie dafür zurück zu Merkmale.

Wählen Sie in der Vorschau nun zum Test die Art "T-Shirt" aus. Die Größe "S" sollte dann im nächsten Konfigurationsschritt voreingestellt sein. 

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